Monday, July 21, 2014

Secret Chocolate

So, I know this is a strange post to start with. But, I feel the need to share this experience. This one is for all the moms out there.

It was almost 8 p.m. on a weeknight. Mason was winding down for bed and was (unfortunately) watching Calliou next to us. (If you've ever seen the show, then I'm truly sorry. It's terrible. But, Mason loves it, so I do my best to tune it out.)

Suddenly, I got hit with a massive chocolate craving. I think, "It's too late to eat anything, especially junk. If Mason sees me eating chocolate he's going to want some and I'm not in the mood for a late night toddler meltdown". How could I explain to a three year old that that chocolate would cause his little bowels to explode?! I couldn't.

Then I ignore those thoughts and carefully sneak out of the room and down the stairs.

I scour the pantry and find a 90 calorie fiber one brownie. That's not too bad right? I sneak back up the stairs, brownie in-tow and head for the bathroom.

Let me pause here and say I had just cleaned the bathroom and that I know this sounds disgusting.

I sat on the toilet, pretended I was going "potty" and slowly enjoyed my little brownie. I giggled to myself and wondered. How many other moms have had to enjoy secret chocolate to avoid a toddler meltdown? I know of at least one.

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